The thing that amazes me about the Italian way of life is this: best illustrated by their ingrained sense of leisure.

Sure, you get a kind of surly introduction to service at the restaurant or cafe. Prego, Signora. Roughly translated as “I pray you lady!!” A kind of superficial politeness. But, I wonder if this is because of what happens dopo = after.

Once you have been granted entry to their tavolo, their table – you’re solid. You’re their guest. They would not THINK of hurrying you away. They do not drop by – incessantly – to pick up your not-even-finished plate.

Dessert??? You know what I mean. Dessert, bitch?!! C’mon – there are people who want your table!!!

None of that! Even in the tourist-heavy città of Roma.

You do not leave until you pay. And you do not pay until YOU decide. It is your role to ask for the check. Il conto, per favore. The check, please. (Often communicated with the universal scribble onto your hand).

You could sit for an hour. Really!! Clearly they make this work for them.

But, ya’ know, once you’re their guest. You’re their guest, dammit!!
