December 2009

There is this thing we dieters do in the evening, or even the days, before we start our DIET.  We eat that last supper of everything we’re convinced we are not going to eat, or do not think we will be able to eat while on the diet.  (Read more on my thoughts about being ON a diet in entry called To All A Goodnight).


If you just can’t help yourself and simply feel you must make a resolution to lose weight this next year, here are some quick tips from Weight Watchers®

1. Make your resolutions public
Share them with one or more people so they can help you stay on track. If you let your friends and family in on your dream, you can use their support to help you make it a reality.


Here it comes again:  the E word.  Exercise.  The Marist Poll recently released its survey on New Years Resolutions and #3 resolution — behind lose weight and quit smoking — was I want to improve my body.  I want to work out.  But, shit, who wants to work out?  Non-steroidally speaking, that is.  It can be such a roadblock in the weight-loss formula of eat less, move more.  But, we gotta do it.


A great way to begin any day — the calm and meditative strengthening of yoga.  I try to get at least two sessions in a week.  I think of it as covert exercise. You are so focussed on the moves and the breathing and the “moment”, it is easy to forget that you are doing wonderful things for your body.

Afterwards, I have what has become my regular breakfast — yogurt with a sprinkle of nuts. 


Lest Janet Eats be all golden, light,”ain’t I wonderful, I’m so perfect” — let’s be honest here.  I’ve got my own set of challenges on this journey.  You know, like every other human!  And, one of them is to motivate myself to exercise.  Or, as Weight Watchers cleverly dubs it:  ‘move more’.  Good strategy to take the dreaded E-word out of the equation:   I suppose I could just go outside and take a walk.


A Handful of Almonds

One Serving of Almonds

Singing the praise of the humble almond!  Even if it isn’t really a nut, but the pit of an almond fruit.

I will certainly write more details and minutia of how I lost my 50 pounds.  It is the theme of Janet Eats, after all.   Nuts, the almond in particular, played a very important role in my weight-loss journey.  Bottom line: I started to lose weight because I cut my carbs.  We’re not talking the Atkins Diet here.



These can be trying times for people trying to live healthful lives.  Notice, I don’t say for dieters.  In that the way we eat is our diet, yes, we are all dieters.  Please do not regard weight loss and living healthfully as a time to deprive yourself.  It is well-known, in the science of weight loss, that sacrifice can be your biggest enemy in this journey.

If you consider yourself ON a diet, then once you hit your weight goal, you will likely go OFF the diet. And, yes, gain the weight back.  Plus some!


As you get closer to the New Year, you probably know the number one resolution people make:  Lose Weight.   Just google top New Years resolutions and you’ll find all kinds of advice on how to reach your goals.  Like this one from someone who calls himself Goals Guy.

Physical activity builds physical vitality. With every year of your life, you have more to gain from being physically active; as your age-related risks of chronic disease increase, regular exercise generally slows or reverses that trend.

In fact, you’re even more likely to notice the benefits of regular exercise if you already have a chronic condition.

Are you ever going to be fit again as long as you live? The answer is unless you make a resolution to get fit – you’re never going to be fit – ever. The choice is yours; it begins by opting for the stairs instead of the elevator, fruit in place of chocolate, and active rather than sedentary activities.

Wow, doesn’t that sound simple.  Reads simple enough.  But like so much in our lives, it is a proved thing: simple is always complicated.  I mean, really – do you want to spend the rest of your life picking fruit instead of chocolate?
